Staying safe during your summer plans

Staying safe during your summer plans

The sun is shining more than ever these days, so if you’re like us, visions of summer vacations, neighborhood barbecues and long weekends of quality family time are dancing in your head. Summer is, indeed, on the horizon, which means you’re likely already making plans for how best to spend the warmest months of the year.

In the midst of your planning, however, don’t forget to consider your seasonal safety needs. Warmer weather means more people are out and about, all of which raises the possibility for injury risk whether in your car, on your bike or out for a run. Proper planning can keep you from accidents or mishaps in any scenario, so read on for some tips to help avoid personal injury risk.

1. Gearing Up
Summer season means biking season. Make sure your family has properly fitted safety gear, especially a comfortable helmet. It’s also important to check and make sure your bike is in good working order after a winter in the garage. Make sure brakes, lights and tires are all in good working order before heading out for that first trek.

2. Before You Fire It Up
In addition to getting the bikes back out, we often fire up our grills for the first time in months. Accidents around a grill are a common occurrence (nearly 9,000 home fires reported each year due to grills), usually because of careless placement too close to overhanging branches, deck railings and siding. Also make sure children and any lawn games steer clear of the immediate area around the grill and that you clean your grill after each use.

3. Soak Up The Sun (The Right Way)
No matter your outdoor activities, it’s important to never underestimate how much direct sunlight (and specifically, harmful UV rays) you might be getting. Every summer thousands of people are hospitalized from over-exposure. Make sure to always apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15+ and wear sun-protective clothing and sunglasses when you’re at the pool, at a theme park or spending the day outdoors.

4. Keep Things Fresh
As you’re spring cleaning, it’s also the perfect time to make sure all of your home safety equipment is working properly with fresh batteries. Over 2,500 people die each year in house fires and 50% of those happen during our sleeping hours. Make sure smoke alarms are placed in each bedroom and on every level with new batteries. A simple press button on the first of every month is such an easy way to avoid a major tragedy. The National Fire Protection Association also advises having a fire extinguisher for each level of your home.

5. Car Concerns
Make sure to never ever leave a child or pet alone in a hot car! Even on an 80-degree day, temperatures can hit deadly levels in just 10 minutes. Also make sure to check around your car before moving, knowing this time of year is when young children and animals are outside playing.

While we hope you and your family enjoy a safe and happy summer season, we are here at the ready in case you need anything. Trusted help is only one call away here at Johnson Jensen.