You’ve likely noticed some compelling changes around here. We’ve reimagined our website to better serve our clients and to help ease the nerves of those navigating the aftermath of a personal injury.
After suffering a personal injury, it’s easy to feel confused about which immediate steps to take or how to begin moving forward. To help our clients establish expectations for the litigation process, we’ve created a robust new Resources section. Dedicated to practical advice for real world concerns, our Resource articles arm clients with useful information and actionable steps they can take before our initial meeting.
Along with our new website, our friends at Bayonet Media have created a new video which captures the heart of Johnson Jensen. Finding help in the midst of trauma can feel overwhelming, and the search for help can leave a person apprehensive and uncertain. That’s why showing potential clients why we do what we do is so important to us.
We’ve also added a landing page specifically for our attorney partners. We’ve had the privilege of co-counseling with fellow lawyers on their wrongful death, medical malpractice, and other personal injury cases over the years.
As energized as we are by the new video and website, in the end they remain tools intended for a greater purpose. From our inception, Johnson Jensen has labored toward a single end: to serve the client. These new tools only enhance our capacity to do so. With stronger and clearer communication, our ability to move you and others from injury to recovery is made that much easier.
As always, Johnson Jensen is ready and willing to join you in your time of need by providing a caring personal perspective and professional legal help. If you want to discuss a potential case, please call us with your questions or schedule a free consultation at 317-269-7799.