A nurse for an oncology practice administered the wrong chemotherapy drug to a 63 year old female patient, a Stage III lung cancer patient. The mistaken drug (Rituxan) was meant for another patient who had non-Hodgkins lymphoma.
Six days after receiving the Rituxan, Bettie Cadou died of overwhelming sepsis. Bettie was in her second week of a 6 week chemo regimen and died as a single adult with no dependents.
Despite the obvious medical malpractice, the medical provider defended the case arguing the Rituxan was not a factor in her death. The defendant hired two experts in addition to one panel member who found the Rituxan was not a causative factor.
Because Rituxan is a relatively new drug and never given lung cancer patients, there was very little data available to determine its role in Bettie’s death. After a three day jury trial in Marion County, the jury returned a verdict for $229,000 for Bettie’s three surviving adult children.
These case studies should not be used as a substitute for specific legal advice. They are provided only as illustrative examples of the scope of our legal experience. They do not purport to describe all matters with which we are involved. They are summaries only of the matters presented. Every case and legal matter is different. These case studies should not be viewed as suggesting or predicting any outcome in any other legal matter.
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