Rolling with Johnson Jensen

Rolling with Johnson Jensen

Cheering on the sidelines of a roller derby rink might be the last place you’d expect to find a personal injury attorney, but as you may know, Johnson Jensen likes to do things a little differently.

For Johnson Jensen, it’s always been about family. So, when Janet’s daughter Isabelle fell in love with the world of roller derby, it was a no brainer that we would be behind her every step of the way. And now it’s a passion we’re proud to share as primary sponsors of the Indianapolis Junior Roller Derby.

Joining IJRD, Isabelle found a family and a passion out on the rink. A dynamic and fast-paced environment, roller derby keeps kids active through a little fun competition. But it’s also so much more than roughing up the other team or getting a hit in, which was a breath of fresh air to Janet, as a mother and a personal injury attorney. The rink has been an amazing source of confidence and empowerment that Janet never imagined for her daughter. It really allows the kids to let loose a little and discover themselves in a whole new environment.

And sure, at first thought, roller derby seems pretty intimidating for anyone, especially for a 12-year-old. But there’s nothing more important than the safety of the kids. It may surprise you, but it might actually be safer than most sports. And what personal injury attorney doesn’t want to be apart of a hard-hitting sport that keeps safety and camaraderie top of mind? You can bet that we weren’t missing out on the action to support this incredible organization and empower our youth.

While we can’t get out on the rink ourselves, our team loves encouraging these young kids to follow their passion, wherever life takes them.

But don’t take it from us, check out the Indianapolis Junior Roller Derby in action or see one of the adult leagues in the city – the Naptown Roller Derby and the Circle City Derby Girls.

IJRD is a non-profit organization run by the parents and relies on support from its community. If you’d like to support the IJRD, click here to learn more.