“Do I have a case?” and other frequently asked questions

“Do I have a case?” and other frequently asked questions

It can feel impossible to find answers in the aftermath of a traumatic event. Even finding the right questions to ask can prove to be a serious challenge. Fortunately, our years of experience helping clients through various crises have brought some commonly asked questions to the forefront, regardless of how unique the situation might be.

At Johnson Jensen, we understand these times can be overwhelming and confusing. In our experience, getting some answers and gaining some understanding can be the first step toward recovery.

1. Do I have a case?

Every single case is different, which means it’s impossible to answer this question without knowing the particulars. However, our experience will allow us to quickly assess your situation to provide you with options that are in your best interests. Until we have a chance to talk, understand that this is probably the most common question we hear and exactly why you should give us a call. There is no charge for this initial discussion.

2. How much is my case worth?

This will depend on the nature of your injuries, the amount and types of treatments these injuries require, and how well your injuries heal. Potential value varies according to each specific scenario, but one thing we can tell you is that our first joint goal together will be to get you and your body back to the way it was before you were hurt: that is always part of the best result for you. Once we accomplish this goal, or as near to it as possible, we will be in a position to more specifically answer this question.

3. How long will my case take before a settlement is reached or achieved?

As we just discussed in #2, each case follows its own timeline guided primarily by the length of treatment your injuries require. While you focus on healing, we will focus on moving your case along with regard to all the other factors for which we do have some control.

4. How much do I need to pay my attorney?

You pay us nothing upfront. We represent you on a contingency fee basis, which means we are paid a percentage of the recovery we make from the at-fault party(ies) when the case is resolved by settlement or jury verdict. In most cases, our fee is one-third of the total recovery.

5. I think I have a case, so what are my next steps?

Frankly, call us as soon as possible…preferably before you talk with anyone else (like the insurance company for the at-fault party). With no cost for the initial conversation, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by getting professional advice.

At Johnson Jensen, it’s our privilege to serve you—to listen, offer advice, and walk alongside you as you recover. During a traumatic and often isolating time, it’s our pleasure to be a trusted professional on whom you can count. Hopefully, these initial answers to common questions helped put you at ease. We look forward to taking your call.