Janet’s Next Chapter

Janet’s Next Chapter

Janet, our beloved legal assistant, has been with Johnson/Jensen since the beginning. Ask anyone here, and they’ll tell you how invaluable Janet is to us all. Outside of the office, she’s a Girl Scout troop leader, mom to a busy eight-year-old, and this fall, she’s also a law student at Robert H. McKinney School of Law. We’re looking forward to seeing what she accomplishes next.

For those who don’t know, what’s the story of how you came to be at Johnson/Jensen?
I was with Johnson Jensen from the start. In 2006, I began working as a high school intern at another law firm, where Travis also worked at the time. When Bob and Travis decided to start their own firm, they asked me to come with them. It wasn’t a hard choice. I knew I’d be happy working with them.

What have you enjoyed most about working at Johnson Jensen?
I enjoy my job more than any person reasonably should. I wear lots of hats. I was the receptionist, I do the books, I also have my own case load. And Bob and Travis are good to their employees. They talk to us and ask us how our day was and if anything is wrong. They take care of us in every aspect and make sure everything’s okay. They’re willing to do anything that they’d ask you to do. They’ll ask us to get lunch one week, and then they’ll get us lunch the next week. Everyone at Johnson Jensen makes it enjoyable to go to work every day.

What have you learned from Bob and Travis about being a lawyer?
I have learned so much from both of them. They’re like the odd couple. They have their own strengths and weaknesses, their own lawyering style, and I’ve picked up a lot from both of them. Travis’ style is more relationship-based. He’ll talk to the client all day every day about whatever you want to talk about. Bob’s more get-it-done style. He’s more behind-the-scenes. It’s a balance of qualities that works really well.

Do you think you’ll pursue personal injury law?
I’m going in with an open mind, but I do enjoy trying to help people recover from this catastrophic event that occurred in their lives. I’ve been in a car accident before and have some soft tissue injuries in my back that still cause problems. If Travis had not been there for me, I don’t know what I would have done. I’d say there’s a 90% chance I’ll end up back here at Johnson Jensen. I do have a passion for personal injury law.