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What I wish my clients knew before their car collisions: a step-by-step guide
It happens in an instant. One moment, you're driving along enjoying your favorite tunes. The next, you’re suddenly stopped, shaken by the sudden impact of a collision. Do you know what to do next?
How Much Auto Insurance Do I Need?
Before you hit the road, have you considered if your auto insurance coverage is enough to protect you and your loved ones in case of a collision?
Big Truck Accidents Demand a Specialized Approach
As much damage as a car collision would have caused, think about how many times it would be multiplied if a big truck collision was involved.
“Do I have a case?” and other frequently asked questions
At Johnson Jensen, we understand these times can be overwhelming and confusing. In our experience, getting some answers and gaining some understanding can be the first step toward recovery.
Are the Roads Safer? Don’t Believe the Ads.
Don’t be fooled. You’re less safe driving on the road now than you were at any point this decade.
What To Do When the Unthinkable Becomes Reality
The cliché exists for good reason. Unless we find ourselves the victim of a crime, it’s easy to never consider that a traumatic episode might play out in our own lives until we suddenly find that it can, indeed, happen to us.
Staying safe during your summer plans
In the midst of your planning, don’t forget to consider your seasonal safety needs.
You’re Under Arrest! Now what?
Many of our clients have a friend or loved one who find themselves in this unfortunate situation due to a mistake or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
After an Injury, What You Say on Social Media Matters
If you’ve been injured, what you say on social media could hurt your claim.
These Apps Could Save Your Life
Last year, 35,000 people died in crashes on U.S. roadways, but you can take steps to reduce the likelihood of a collision and increase the odds that you’ll get fast, accurate medical care after a crash.